Islam and the Quran

Is it right to marry a man that does not perform the prayers?

Question: Is it right for a girl to marry a man that doesn’t perform the prayers? Is there a command on this issue?

There are common ideas in the public on “not to marry one’s girl to a man that doesn’t perform prayers” or “not to eat the meat of an animal that is slaughtered by the hands of a man that doesn’t perform prayers”. There are no verses or hadiths that support this idea. These kinds of words seem to be told by the people that believe “the people that don’t perform prayers are concealers (kafir)“. But if we look at the verses and the sahih hadiths, we see that the people that don’t perform prayers cannot be considered as concealers as long as they don’t deny or underestimate this duty.

On the other hand, one that claims he/she is a Muslim and doesn’t perform the prayers is clearly disobeying the orders of Allah and committing a great sin. Thus, a young Muslim woman is advised to marry a Muslim man that cares about his responsibilities to Allah, rather than disobeying him at least five times a day.

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