Islam and the Quran

Deifying The Prophets

Christians deified Prophet Jesus (p.b.u.h.).
According to them; had Jesus not existed, the universe wouldn’t have been created. Whatever visible and invisible on the earth and in the skies; thrones, dominions, rulings… everything was created through his mediation and for his sake. [1]

Wrong beliefs are like epidemics; they spread rapidly. The beliefs mentioned above have infected Muslims, as well. In a fabricated narrative that is ascribed to Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.), it is stated that God told him:

If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have created the universe”.[2]

According to some sects, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) is the origin of creation. When renothing but Allah existed, the first to be created was the ‘Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyya – The Essence of Muhammad’. Later on, every creature was created out of him and for his sake. As ‘The Essence of Muhammad’ was light, it is the principle in creation of universe and its essence. As this light is immortal and eternal, the word ‘died’ cannot be used for the prophet… ‘The Essence of Muhammad’, in other words ‘The Light of Muhammad’, is the source of knowledge; both evident and mysterious; for all prophets and all holy men. This essence is what mediates to carry the enlightenment from God to people.[3] Obviously, this belief joins the Prophet Muhammad with God; and joining others with God is absolutely prohibited!

According to Catholics; “Jesus, the Messiah is true God and true man”. This is why he is the mediator between the humans and God, the Father.”[4] This belief has spread to some sects, too. According to them, Allah and ‘The Essence of Muhammad’ are two sides of the very same truth.[5] They have a poem to tell for this particular topic; which can be translated as:

“Ahad is Ahmad, the only difference is ‘mim’
The whole world is collected in that ‘mim’”

In order to explain these stanzas, they add the following explanation:

 “Ahad is Allah.”[6]

This person is a graduate of Faculty of Theology, and is one of the spiritual leaders of the Nakshibendi sect. The day I saw this article I met him in Gedikpasa, Istanbul at the house of one of his followers and appealed to him in the proper method. Nevertheless he defended himself vigorously, claiming that all burst out of love for the prophet. Hopefully he repents before his death. As his sin is in a written form, the repentance should be similarly written.

 Ahmad is one of the names of Messenger Muhammad, which is also mentioned in the Qur’an. Correlation of the expressions: “Ahad is Ahmad” and “Ahad is Allah” becomes: “Ahmad is Allah; so is Muhammad.”

The above expression claims the same as of Christians’: “God is the Messiah, the son of Virgin Mary.”

According to this poem, the difference between Ahad (أحد) and Ahmad (أحمد) is only one letter: “mim – the letter ‘m’”. This difference is only in the spelling; and in favor of the word ‘Ahmad’ because, the whole universe is inside that ‘mim’!

It is clear that all of the opinions mentioned above are different ways of deifying  Prophet Muhammad, which is most certainly the major sin of shirk, that is, associating partners with God. It is the only sin that God will not forgive unless the person dies without turning around from and repenting for this misdeed:

“God does not forgive anyone for associating something with Him, while He does forgive whomever He wishes to for anything less evil than that. Anyone who associates partners with God  has invented such an awful offense!” (an-Nisa/ The Women; 4:48)

The Almighty God decrees:

وَمَا مُحَمَّدٌ إِلَّا رَسُولٌ قَدْ خَلَتْ مِنْ قَبْلِهِ الرُّسُلُ.

 “And Muhammad is no more than a messenger. Messengers have already passed on before him.” (Al-e-Imran/Family of Imran; 3:144)

قُلْ إِنَّمَا أَنَا بَشَرٌ مِثْلُكُمْ يُوحَى إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَهُكُمْ إِلَهٌ وَاحِدٌ فَاسْتَقِيمُوا إِلَيْهِ وَاسْتَغْفِرُوهُ وَوَيْلٌ لِلْمُشْرِكِينَ.

 “Tell them, (O Prophet):  “I am only a human being like you; it is revealed to me that your God is One God. So be upright towards Him, and seek forgiveness from Him.” And woe to those who join others with Him.”  (Fussilat/Elaborate; 41:6)

قُلْ إِنِّي لَا أَمْلِكُ لَكُمْ ضَرًّا وَلَا رَشَدًا. قُلْ إِنِّي لَنْ يُجِيرَنِي مِنَ اللَّهِ أَحَدٌ وَلَنْ أَجِدَ مِنْ دُونِهِ مُلْتَحَدًا. إِلَّا بَلَاغًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرِسَالَاتِهِ.

“Say: I possess neither [the power to bring] adversity for you, nor can I mature you.
Say: Surely no one can save me from God, nor can I find besides Him any place of refuge.
But [I possess for you] only notification of what is from God, His messages.” (Jinn 72:21-23)

Muslims have no other choice, but to open a blank page, and to review every branch of Islamic studies in the light of Qur’an. No matter it is exegesis, or narrations, or Islamic jurisprudence, or theology… Otherwise, they will lose in both lives; in the worldly one and in the hereafter.



[1] Catechism of the Catholic Church, par 331.
[2] Ismail b. Muhammad al-Ajluni, Kashf al-hafa, Beirut 1988/1408 , Book 2, P 164. Ajluni wrote this book in order to collect every single idiom and expression, known to be true or fabricated. This is the reason that the book covers considerable number of fabricated narratives. This is one of them.
[3] Demirci, Mehmet “Hakikati Muhammediye” ‘The Encyclopedia of Islam’, Religious Affairs of Turkish Republic (DIA); Book XV, p 179-180
[4] Catechism of the Catholic Church, par 480
[5] Demirci, Mehmet “Hakikati Muhammediye” ‘The Encyclopedia of Islam’, Religious Affairs of Turkish Republic (DIA); Book XV, p 179-180
[6] Dinc, Ali Ramazan, Iki Cihan Serveri Peygamberi Zisanimiz, Yeni Dunya Magazine, 58/9 August/ September 1998, p. 32.
This person graduated from one of theology faculties in Turkey, and is one of the spiritual leaders of the Nakshibendi sect. The day I saw this article I met him in Gedikpasa, Istanbul at the house of one of his followers and informed him in the proper method. Nevertheless he defended himself vigorously, claiming that all burst out of love for the prophet. Hopefully he repents before his death. As his sin is in a written form, the repentance should be similarly written.

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