Islam and the Quran

The Rewards of Paradise For Both Genders

Question: Is there proof that all Hur in the Quran are female? Can you please give me information about the rewards of paradise for both genders?

The Almighty God decrees in the Quran:
“And there is (the group) Pioneers who always pioneer.
Those will be the nearest (to all boons).
They are in gardens full of blessings.
Most of them are from the former people
And few of them are from the latter people
On couches encrusted with precious stones
Leaning back on those couches, facing one another.
Will circulate among them immortal youths
With glasses, pitchers, and cups filled from springs
Which do not cause headache or dull their senses;
And with fruits of their choice (the immortal youths circulate among them)
And with the meat from any bird they desire.
And also (circulate among them) big black-eyed damsels 
Like pearls in their shells.”  (al-Waqiah 56:10-23)

The words we translate as “damsels” is “Hur” and “youths” is “Wildan”.
According to the verses both in this and other surahs related to Hur, the pronouns that refer to them are female. So we can say that the word “Hur” mentioned in the Quran refers to creatures in the appearance of females. The Wildan in these verses are immortal youths. Due to the masculine form of the word “immortal” in Arabic, we can understand that Wildan are males.

If we read verses 10-22 in Surah al-Waqiah, we can see that both Hur and Wildan are only servants in Paradise. Wildan mentioned in verses 17-18 Surah Waqiah and verses 19-20 in Surah Insan are young male servants. They serve food and drinks circulating among people. When the people of Paradise see them, they will think Wildan are pearls scattered around.
Hur mentioned in verse 22 are young female servants and they are also likened to pearls.

There are some commentators who connect the word Hur to the meat of birds and other blessings in previous verses. That is, however impossible according to Arabic grammar rules. The word “Hur” in verse 22 is marfu’. That means Hur in verse 17 are the faa’il or mubtada of the sentence and there must be a fi’l or khabar related to them. The only verb/fi’l that can be related to the subject/faa’il Hur is ‘circulate/yatufunah’ in these sentences. Therefore, it becomes obvious that the duty of both Wildan and Hur is “circulating among” the people of  Paradise.

The expression ”we made them virgins” in verse 56:36 is usually misinterpreted as if Hur are objects of sex. That is, however, completely false. Let us read the relevant verses to refute this opinion:
According to verse 56  of Surah Rahman, Hur do not turn their eyes away from the people of Paradise -which is what we expect from even a waitress in the restaurant in this world- and that neither a human nor a jinn has ever touched them. That means Hur have no previous experience of sex. This is because they are only servants charged with circulating around the people of Paradise for service, and sex is not their duty. They are simply unaware of it.
Besides, the men and women in Paradise will already have purified spouses together with them (al-Baqarah 2:25, an-Nisa 57 ) in new immortal bodies whose forms we do not yet know (al-Waqiah 56:61).
In this case, why would anybody still need servants for their sexual desires if they have their spouses as purified of all flaws?
Why should God promise a servant to a man who already has a flawless wife?

In conclusion, both Hur and Wildan will be serving for both men and women since there is no distinction regarding the genders of “sabiqun/Pioneers” who go to Paradise and deserve these blessings according to verse 10.

We can see no difference in the rewards of men or women in the afterlife according to the Quran.

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